新宿対面・電話占い 実力派占い師の館 アゥルターム

新宿対面・電話占い 実力派占い師の館 アゥルターム




I really want to make love come true. I don’t know how to make it come true. Everyone feels the same way. Everyone doesn’t know how their boyfriend feels, and how their girlfriend feels. I’m really curious about what that person is thinking, and what they’re thinking now. Of course, the present may seem important. But if you think about it carefully, don’t you think you want to be with him in the future? If that’s the case, I think it’s important to wait and prioritize the other person’s feelings. It’s very painful for others to pursue a relationship selfishly. When you realize that, you understand your current position. In the spiritual world, it’s certainly easy to say things like there is a future, and there is a future. But it’s also important for you to make your dreams come true. That’s right. Your feelings are the most important thing. If that wavers, it seems to me that it will never come true. You might realize that 10 years from now. But even then, it’s too late. That’s why I think his feelings now, and the opinions Of people who really care about you are important. Friends, best friends. Of course, they may be important too. But everyone is confused. If that’s the case, I think a real third party is important. I want you to consult me ​​​​at times like that. Of course, I will also use the power of clairvoyance in the spiritual world to see the future. And I hope to be able to give you accurate advice! It’s the same with work. There are many people who are confused about many things and don’t know what to do. I think there are many people who don’t know what to do. I would like to teach you not only what suits you and how to get along with others, but also something you may not be aware of. Risa will guide you to the very end.







プロフィール相談者の手に触れることで、重要なメッセージを視ることのできる、高純度な神霊感師。独自のタロット術と併せ、幸せな方向へと強力に導く、恋愛成就のエキスパートです! 幼少期より、周囲の人々の抱える問題を、霊的な観点から次々と解決。摩訶不思議な少女として、その名を轟かせていた土屋梨沙先生。 その後、本格的な占術を身につけ、渡米。医療関係者の相談役的存在として活躍するなど、性別を超えた国際派占い師として、有名に。 国内においても、複雑恋愛や人間関係の悩みに強いとの評判が広まり、一時帰国の際には、鑑定希望者が殺到!この度、本格的に拠点を日本に移し、待望の鑑定スタートです。 Fortune telling in English is available.



