新宿対面・電話占い 実力派占い師の館 アゥルターム

新宿対面・電話占い 実力派占い師の館 アゥルターム





Even people of the world sometimes say “thank you,” but it is conditional, for things that are beneficial to them or for people who are kind to them. In particular, Romans 1:20-23 says, “For God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, unknown by the creatures, so that you are without excuse. Therefore, although you knew your God, you did not glorify him as God or give thanks to him, and your ignorant hearts were darkened. Although they said they knew him, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for something like mortal man, birds, animals and creeping things. As it says, people do not acknowledge or give thanks to the created God, but instead make gods of their own making and worship them, and are satisfied with them, living a life that does not please themselves. On the other hand, today’s scripture says, “Give thanks in all things, for this is the will of you in Christ Jesus,” encouraging Christians to live with gratitude for all things. Thank you. It is important to keep in mind how to do this. When he was wondering why God created humans, knowing that the devil would tempt them and that Eve and Adam would sin, he suddenly wondered what happened because Eve and Adam sinned. God sent His Son, Jesus, to save sinners, and gave forgiveness of sins on the cross, and those who believe in Jesus were given the privilege of being children of God. He realized that if Eve and Adam had not sinned, not only would Jesus not have been needed to be born, but the cross would not have been necessary, and there would have been no one to become children of God, and he thought of God’s immeasurable greatness and the depth of His grace. “For those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose, let us live with thanksgiving in all things, as Paul said in Romans 8:28, that God works all things for the good, no matter what our hearts say, and that Jesus is interceding for us.

For God’s attributes, eternal power and divinity are clearly seen and understood by what has been made, so they have no excuse. So, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God or give thanks to him, and their ignorant hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the image of mortal man, birds, beasts and creeping things.” As it says, many people do not believe in the God who created humans, but create and worship their own gods, and are content with a way of life that does not please God. On the other hand, today’s Bible says, “Give thanks in all things. For this is how we live according to God’s will in Christ Jesus,” encouraging Christians to live in gratitude for all things. To do this, isn’t it important to keep in mind what kind of person God is? When I wondered why God created humans, knowing that the devil would tempt them and that Eve and Adam would sin, I suddenly remembered what would have happened if Eve and Adam had not sinned, and what would have happened because they sinned. God sent His Son, Jesus, to save sinners, but He gave forgiveness of sins on the cross and is the Son of God to those who believe in Him. I realized that if Eve and Adam had not sinned, not only would Jesus not have had to be born or be crucified, but He would not have been made the Son of God, and I was reminded of God’s immeasurable greatness and depth. It is the grace of God’s grace. As Paul said, “We know that God causes all things to work for the good of those who love him, those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28), let us say that God is a God who works all things for our good no matter how we feel, that Jesus intervenes, and that God has a purpose and plan for all events. Let us live our lives with gratitude for everything, as God wants us to.







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